The Mystery of Evil, The Sovereignty of Good - I0
добавлен 04.09.10 09:00
One of the greatest challenges we face is that of evil. Whether we’re trying to avoid it or explain it, evil is a reality that cannot be ignored. Why does a good God allow it to exist and why is it so appealing? This week on Let My People Think Os Guinness looks at the evil in our world.
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Ravi Zacharias International Ministries seek to reach and challenge those who shape the ideas of a culture with the credibility and the beauty of the gospel of Jesus Christ. With a team of individuals based in six countries, RZIM is committed to reaching this generation around the world - in the university, the arts, politics, business, and the church. Through open forums, community outreach, and various media, we seek to remove the barriers to the cross for the skeptic and we prepare Christians to give a reason for the hope within us.
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